Changing of the Seasons

I apologize in advance for this sobering realization, but Summer 2023 is almost over! With Fall a little over a week away, it got me thinking about the seasons.

Coupled with the fact that as part of Embrace No. 2, I’m drawing daffodils, which are widely considered to be the flowers of Spring, change is at the top of my mind. While the weather is changing outside, how am I changing on the inside?

Just like the seasons of nature, we go through different phases and stages in our journey. In spring and summer, we experience joy and abundance. In fall and winter, we face challenges and hardships. How can we embrace the seasons of life and make the most of each one?


Spring is the season of renewal, when nature awakens from its long slumber and bursts into life. It is a time for fresh opportunities, optimism, and new beginnings.

It is a good time of life to set new goals and plans for yourself. What do you want to achieve or learn this year? What are you passionate about? What is something that sparks your curiosity and joy?

Thinking back to the times of Spring in my life, they begin with educational milestones. The transitions from middle school to high school, and high school to college. Graduating college and entering the workforce.

Then they progress to unpredictable times of Spring. Moving back to Miami and reconnecting with old friends/making new ones. Leaving the workforce and travelling.

These seasons of Spring are a great opportunity to simplify your life. You can let go of any negative thoughts, emotions, or habits that are holding you back, and become a new version of yourself


Summer is the season of growth, when nature reaches its peak of abundance. It is a time for fun, adventure, and celebration.

For a long time, I never really celebrated my wins. Growing up and living in a society all about productivity was all I ever knew. Summers as a time of rest pretty much ended by age 14 for me. Immediately after a year of rigorous academics in engineering, it was straight to internships.

Once those structured periods of summer disappeared after college, it was a constant stream of projects at work. I don’t remember taking any time to celebrate the completion of any of them because there was always another project to work on. That’s when I realized our periods of summer can’t wait until retirement! Life is simply too short.

I learned that after working so hard, you need to celebrate all it, otherwise what’s the point? Finally after becoming absolutely burnt out, my time of Summer came in the form of an extended period of time off that I like to describe as a “mini-retirement.”

I guess the moral of the story is to celebrate your progress and reward yourself for the hard work you put into all of your endeavors. It’s a time to enjoy the fruits of your labor and sharing them with loved ones. Treat yourself to something nice!


Fall is the season of change, when nature prepares for winter and sheds its old leaves. It is a time for adaptation and reflection.

Embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth. Instead of resisting change, welcome it with an open mind. Maybe it will teach you something new! Remind yourself of what it would be like stepping into that new version of yourself.

When I returned home and began this artistic journey, it was a huge adjustment for me. I had just spent months on leisure mode, and coming back to working for myself forced me to change my relationship with productivity and rest.

Grinding myself into the ground for so many years left a sour taste in my mouth, and if I was going to make this thing with my art work, I needed to prioritize rest and shake off the hustle mentality. I still struggle with this balance, but I remember what that burnout felt like and I slow down.

While I have created goals for myself to reach, I am constantly reminding myself that in order to enjoy this process, I must adapt to the live-to-work mentality. I can thank the Italians for that one.

I reflected on my time in engineering and learned what I do not want in this time of creative pursuit. At that time, I succeeded in stressing myself out and failed to see why we are really here. It is to enjoy the time we have and being in our purpose. If you reflect on your life, what would you discover?

Rather than thinking about the past or getting anxious about the future, the Fall is a good time to focus on the present moment and see what you can control, then adjust your attitude or behavior accordingly.


Winter is the season of rest, when nature goes into hibernation mode and conserves its energy. It is a time to take a step back and for rejuvenation, planning, and healing.

Take care of yourself and R & R as much as you need to recover from the stress of the previous seasons. Eat well, get some sleep, and hydrate would ya!

Heal any emotional, mental, or even physical wounds. Release that which is weighing you down, and take a second to think about your vision for your life. Meditate on it and connect with a higher power, whatever that means to you. Now is the time to fall apart and put the pieces back together again.

My most recent time of Winter was taking a step back from my artwork and writing down my goals and plans to get there, in the form of a business plan.

Not to get too meta on you, but I’m also trying visualization as a way to enhance this journey. It is the practice of visualizing your desired outcomes and how they will make you feel. I figure its a good way to prepare for my upcoming spring.

The seasons of life are inevitable and we don’t know exactly when we’ll experience them. By embracing each season and making the most of it, we can grow, learn, and enjoy our lives more fully.

Remember, every season has its purpose, and every season will pass. So, whatever season you are in right now, make the most of it!


Elevation Change


Faking Perfection