Winter is Coming, But This Can Ease the Pain

This blog was originally shared as an email to my beloved newsletter subscribers on January 24, 2024.

Which weather could you do without, warm weather or cold weather?

If you said cold weather, that makes two of us!

I mean I walked out of my house the other day, and even after putting on 3 layers of clothing, I was still freezing.

A few days ago it snowed. I went out to watch, and through chattering teeth, I said “wow.”

My yard was a sight to see.

There was a fresh layer of snow on the ground and it was quiet…like really quiet.

So quiet like all the noise was being absorbed by this giant white blanket in front of me.

You know what I also noticed? How much brighter it was because of the snow.

The sun’s rays were bouncing off the powder, and it was as bright as could be.

It was beautiful.

When I first came outside, I was cold, agitated, and almost didn’t stick around to see this snowscape.

But as I walked back into the house, I was feeling at peace, with a quiet mind, and I forgot that I was even upset at being cold in the first place.

This transformation of emotions is what I captured in the third piece of the Seasons collection, Winter.

Staying with this series’ botanical theme, I had to find a flower that blooms in the wintertime.

The Hellebore, also known as a Lenten Rose, was the winner and it was easily the most dramatic flower of this collection.

It symbolizes a season of life that we often find ourselves thrust into without warning.

A loved one passes away.

Your relationship ends.

A chapter of your life is over.

I’ve gone through all 3 of the above.

Winter is a time to cry, a time to be quiet, a time to mend, and a time to grieve.

If you’ve had to leave places behind where you had amazing memories, had your heart broken before, or have lost loved ones, you’re not alone.

They say “time heals all wounds.

To be honest I think that phrase is a little misleading.

Sure, things can get better as time passes, but only if you embrace the pain and accept it.

This is a time to let it all out and to sit in the quiet with the discomfort.

Otherwise what could have been a blizzard turns into permafrost.

When it all gets to be too much, leaning on the support and love from friends and family can give you much needed relief.

It’s that feeling of comfort that makes these seasons of winter much easier to get through.

This is what I aim to provide through this piece of the collection.

All it takes is a glance at Winter to be reminded that the unpleasant and painful emotions you’re experiencing are only temporary.

Remember that you won’t be in this season forever.

Do you connect with this piece? Are you stuck in a season of winter?

You don’t have to share with me, but feel free to reach out.

I’d be happy to hear from you.

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